Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our position has been compromised...finally

After a couple of months, unlimited supply of cocktails later, and general frustration with no one reading. A certain member of our two person 'bloog', has compromised our little corner of the world wide web, and we have officially been exposed. While I was content to just sit here, and let only my fellow blooger, read my rants. I guess now,
I'll be addressing readers as well as her. No no, I'm not bitter, so don't get the wrong idea that I resent readers, I'm just being a nervous N******(not ready to say my name just yet) that can still be a little secret. So see this as an official welcome friends. Have a drink, sit down, and enjoy our thoughts. Welcome to two girls one blog, we're (kinda) happy to have you :) xx

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