Sunday, July 25, 2010


I recently got back from a 2 week jaunt in Bali..
It was ridiculously relaxing.. Boozed, attempted a tan.. Found out I can actually tan.. News to me discovering this in December! shopped.. Perved on hot surfers.. Did nothing..
I did some research before I left on some bars and was keen to check out 'Rock Bar' at the Ayana Resort Jimberan. The first time we went we were in need of a drink believing that the dodgy driver we had was taking us down an alley to rape us. Finally we got there and it was closed for a private function. Not taking no for an answer we tried to blend in with the full asian wedding party.. Not exactly inconspicuous.. They cottoned on.. Even with our story that we knew 'Bill and Jan'. We then tried again a week later. Definitely one of the best bars I've ever been to.
The best time to go is sunset, which I believe would be mind blowing.
Cocktails + service + being on a rock over the ocean..

Cheeeck it out

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